Lymphatic Wellness Coaching
Harness your healing power.
The body has innate healing powers that can be transformative when harnessed. The lymphatic system although widely ignored by modern Western medicine, was actually regarded as the body's most vital system in a time that did not separate the body from the healer. The body is the healer. Our body begs us to harness its power and it groans in pain when we pump it full of sedatives and toxins to cover up symptoms. How does this manifest? Brain fog, irritability, headaches, migraines, sinus pressure, frequent sickness, bloating, aches and pains, fatigue and much more. If these symptoms sound like things you experience, you are not alone and your body is asking you to turn it on and let it do its job -To heal.
Lymphatic Wellness Coaching combines holistic nutrition and wellness coaching with my experience, knowledge, and obsession with lymphatics. Through coaching, we will:
Identify the all too common modern cruxes of our society that put a toxic strain on our body systems.
Come up with an actionable plan that suits and supports your life.
Identify energetic blockages causing stagnation in the body.
Design meal plans that include your favorite foods, which you do NOT have to stop eating!
Identify and balance areas of wellness like sleep, stress, and activity.
Have lymphatic system education galore! Learn about your lymphatic system, what it does within you, what it may not be able to do within you right now, and how we can turn it on.
Learn science-based manual lymphatic drainage techniques
Breathing techniques for stress management, releasing energetic blockages, and instantly improving lymphatic flow.
Pricing: 60 Minute Session $60